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Date: ...........

Indian Salvage Settlers,
D-94 Chitrakoot Nagar,
Bhilwara 311001, Rajasthan, India

Dear Sir,
I / We, the bidder/s do hereby state that, I/We have read & understood the mentioned terms and conditions of the online auction form for Sale including the liability clauses and understood them fully. I / We, hereby unconditionally agree to confirm with and to be bound by the said terms and conditions and agreed to participate in the e-Auction.
I / We further declare that I / We intend to purchase the above-referred material for our own use / business and that the information revealed by me / us in this acceptance form is true and correct to the best of my/our belief. I / We understand and agree that if any of the statement/information revealed by me / us is found to be incorrect and/or untrue, the bid / s submitted by me / us is liable to be cancelled and in such case the EMD / Earnest Money Deposit paid by me / us is liable to be forfeited by the seller and the seller will be at liberty to annual the offer made to me / us at any point of time.
I / We also agree that after my / our offer / bid placed by me / us for purchase of the material is accepted by the seller and if I / we fail to accept or act upon the terms & conditions of the offer letter or am / are not able to complete the transaction within the time limit specified in the offer letter for any reason whatsoever and / or fail to fulfill any / all the terms & conditions of the auction form and offer letter, the EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) and any other monies paid by me / us along with the e-Auction and thereafter, are liable to be forfeited by the seller and that the seller has also a right to proceed against me / us for specific performance of the contract, if so desired by the seller.
The decisions taken by representatives of seller shall be binding on me. I also undertake to abide by the additional conditions if announced during the auction including the announcement of correction in form and/or additions or deletions of items being offered for sale.

Company / Firm / Person / concern / in whose name the material is/are to be purchased

Contact Person(s) ......................................................................................................................

Designation ......................................................................................................................
(In case of company/firm, give, in addition, names of key Directors/ Partners)


GST No. ..........................................................
PAN No. ..........................................................

Phone No. ..........................................................
Mobile No. ..........................................................

E-Mail Id ......................................................................................................................

E-Auction Item: ......................................................................................................................

RTGS/NEFT/DD No: ......................................................................................................................

Bank Name: ......................................................................................................................

Branch: ......................................................................................................................

Dated: ......................................................................................................................

EMD Amount: ......................................................................................................................

Company Name: ......................................................................................................................

Bank Name: ......................................................................................................................

Branch Account: ......................................................................................................................

No IFSC Code: ......................................................................................................................

Signature of Authorized Signatory with Name and Seal

NOTE : - Participants are requested to submit the complete e-Auction form along with Declaration dully self-attested.